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tv   Fox 5 News Edge 6  FOX  October 20, 2016 6:00pm-6:31pm EDT

6:00 pm she was attempting to restrainoa him in a the witness says she then the heard thompson tell the three-year-old to lay his headea down on the table. tle police say the assault wasault s captured on camera. camera. after the assault was w reported, police say thompson was asked to come to the child i abuse unit where she waived wai her miranda rights and and admitted the abuse. now, here at the childcarehildce center no one is commenting.mein i spoke on the phone a little while ago with someone whone w answered the phone who simply sl said that they had nothing say. what we know about this childs l care center from its web site ws is that quoting now antioch childcare center is a christian child care program established to address theil the spiritual as well as educational needs of children.h. our purpose is to provide arovi ministry to the families and
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we checked online on the courtnl records that we cinould see. there's nothing as far ass noth thompson is concerned otherth than the charge that she's now facing, the child abuse and assault charge that is simple assault charge, and she posted e bond earlier today and as far as we can tell is now out. out live in upper marlboro pauloau wagner fox5 local news. new >> in montgomery county, ay, a maryland man will spend theil rest of his life in prisonriso after being convicted of killing his ex-girlfriend in axd target parking lot donald bricker to the maximum sentence possible because theece judge believed the murder was premeditated. the judge noted bricker didckerd target practice before the murder. >> and this case points out o again the failure of us to have adequate gun safety laws in effect in maryland. >> police say bricker bricker purchased the murder weapond th online even though he wasugh hes already a convicted felon andona
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montgomery county statesmery attorney plans to use the planss today us to try to close thelo t loopholes in maryland's gund's n laws. >> we turn to loudoun county where five teenage boys face fe vandalism charges for defacingae a historic the incident happened earlier er this month.this police say the teenagers spray r painted racist graffiti on thehe ashburn african-american-americn school on ashbourne road. investigators determined its was not a hate crime.ri. the school was built in the 1800s and had been b undergoing renovations.ovatio >> is it ever possible to have v too much technology? what's some d.c. residents are e asking as the city's most wellt known street is getting a high tech upgrade.pgra mayor muriel bowser unveiled ana major cyber upgrade alongde a pennsylvania avenue. fox5's tom fitzgerald isd there live tonight toig t explainism good evening,nism g shawn. the question is this.e qu what could you do in a city if you really applied the power of the internet in a broad spectrum? take this park, pk,
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what if the internet coulduld tell you where an open parkingng spot? what if the internet inte could be wired to even a trashra can which could tell the district when it needs to bee emptied? what if the internetnt knew when somebody had walked we into an area and then turns tur street lights on? well, this ti is all part of this smartrt street that mayor murielayor mul bowser unveiled today alongnveio pennsylvania avenue which willil really bring this area, shea, says, into right down to the trash cans.s. >> when you're the mayor you think -- leona, you think a lot about trash cans, don'tt tra you? and so,ns we want trashtra cans that will have sensors toes notify dpw when they're nearre a capacity and help us develop de more efficient routes.nt route >> reporter: sounds prettyter: d good, right? well, here's the,e thing. this is called p-2 40. p-20. it's going to turn this area are
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business work space. sce but, hey, i'm on camera.era. hi. here's the thing, though. thoh. along with this, come backome bc over here, all right, over onr o these lights, there's there's something that a lot of people didn't know about and that is cameras. they're installing camerasiner along with this.alonth now, they call this public safety.. however, despite the signs, sigs despite the notifications allifo over the place, a lot of so, we asked them, are you y willing to give up not knowing o that you might be on camera like you a just now in i exchange for all these other thh things that come with freeh fre wifi down here on pennsylvania avenue? >> all right, tom fitzgeraldzged thank you very much, tom. completely that's how one metro riderid described proposals for metroprp
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service. today metro's board is holding l a rare public hearing. heang the issue, the possibleosbl cutting back of rail service sve hours to allow more time toim t complete repairs and track work.. many who testified wereere completely against the cuts c saying they need metro he toe t get to and from their jobs.obs. they say they simply can't can't afford a car or a ride sharing service.servic >> many people are going to be stranded and they are going to t be unemployed especially ifeciay their jobs will not be able tobo work with them to accommodateomo because of this schedule.chul >> when the metro is not not running and i have to like pay p for a lyft or uber to get to t work that's $30 and that's tooho much when you're alreadyhen yo a making minimum wage.umage. >> d.c. leaders includingncding mayor bowser are also againster the proposed are cuts. cs. metro general manager paul wiedefeld says workers needrs more time but many say ifay i service can be around theround clock in other places whyla why can't that happen here?e? a new bus route is set to st begin this weekend in maryland m
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it's hoped it will reduce red traffic ahead of the opening oni of the new mgm resort. metro general manager paul wiedefeld joint county executive rushern baker. service will begin october 23rd and will operate from both the king street old townld and huntington metro stationstis to downtown national harbor haro gaylord national resort andonald the brand new mgm nationalnal harbor resort set to open on >> that nh2 was pretty slickttyc there. >> was it? i didn't get to't go see it.t. >> i liked the ones better her e though with our pictures otherso side. side >> maybe we'll get some ofe those. >> all right, well, there willrw be more accuse also bye also b election day. that is according to famedng to attorney gloria allred. are she made the announcementncem today while representing yeteset another woman who claimsr womanl donald trump sexuaaillylly assaulted >> and admit it, you have hav googled questions about this abs election but when are peopleeope
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tony and shawn we're in therethe record books at dulles. booksdu they got up to 83 degrees.deee that's the fourth day in a row r that we have tied or exceededr e the record high. we tied you at 83. 83. 85 in d.c. still well abovel abo average but not a record here. h still feels like a summerfeels s evening out there.there. as we look live across theoss area right now our temperaturepe with a few clouds building about 79 degrees.9 deee there is a weak meteor shower tonight called the orion.rion i think it wi the clouds but if you'ref 'r planning on making it at a beautiful evening i think the weather is going to cooperate.ra we'll be dry tonight as wes fall from the mid 70's intointo the upper 60's and get readyea for even more falling falng temperatures.mper wait until you see the weekendnd shawn. >> thank you sue.>> t if you have a story idea or aa a tip we want to hear from you. call 202-895-3000 or e-mailor em your tips to fox5 tips at
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woman: barbara comstock is too right-wing to represent me. man: or me. woman: or me. woman: barbara comstock would overturn roe vs. wade. barbara comstock: i think roe vs. wade should be overturned. woman: barbara comstock voted to defund planned parenthood... woman: barbara comstock is against marriage equality. man: she even voted to let federal contractors discriminate against gay employees... man: twice. woman: barbara comstock. too right-wing for northern virginia. narrator: house majority pac
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>> yet another woman cameet forward today and accused donald trump of groping her back anoard to trump in 1998.99. karena virginia appeared in aeai news conference with famedh me attorney gloria allred.ria al. virginia says she was 27 years s old when trump groped her as she was waiting for a car outside the u.s. open tennis tni tournament in new york. virginia says she's speakingspen out now to stand in solidarity y with trump's other >> i was i flinched. flinche don't you know who i am? don't you know who i am? a that's what he said to me. >> virginia says she has no plans to sue trump over ther incident. >> in an interview with fox5ox news today, former marylandand governor martin o'malley whoho challenged hillary clinton forlr the democratic presidentialside nomination says he, too, is
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accepting the results of theesto upcoming election if he loses. l >> given the russian influencelu in this race, i'm veryer concerned that perhaps donald ps trump might know things that tha we don't know about russia r interfering with electionh eleco returns on election night. nig i don't believe that it'sn't possible forbe them to hack into voting machines but i doachis bu believe that there is a real risk that we face of electionlet night rep down in key states by russian cyber espionage and thatt should -- that should concernon every state board of election. . i hope that elected officials oc are taking some steps to set up redundant web sites and ind just lope that last night wasas not his way of telegraphingegran where he's >> o'malley says he's beensayse campaigning for hillary clinton in swing states even though he in fsweels the democa primary system did not treat t his candidacy fairly.airl well, the election season sa
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loop. loop >> it has voters doing all dng sorts of internet searches ander not just undecided voters. google found people looking for candidates fundraiserss funa looking for donors and votersots searching for information.nformi the searches seem to really spike during the presidentialhel debates. >> nationally what we saw waseas that donald trump garneredd about 70 percent of search interest during the course of that roughly 9 d0 murininutes as hillary clinton got aboutbout 30 percent. people may be searching for m one candidate or the otheray b t not feel like with their political beliefs.fs >> google by the way isay i helping the web site and thehe app voting information project o help voters find their pollingng places. places yes, you'll have to go to thatha web site and google has googl partnered with them. the fox5 is your headquarters ha for the race for the white the i house. we'll take a closer look atook the impact of the final f presidential debate on our show 5 at 6:30. 6:3
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your answer. answe tweet us and we'll share your se tweets then.tweets >> it's october 20 sober 2so halloween is just around thed te corner. question is what's yourestion it favorite treat? we wil'sl breal it down from state to state. >> and say it ain't so. one of d.c.'s he beloved pandas may be soon leaving the district.
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>> ?? >> all right, halloween right around the corner and the results are in on the mostht, hc each and every state. ste. >> fox's matt king has more on the nationwide results. >> reporter: economy candy on the lower east side stocks so 2,000 different varieties ofvari candy. in the two weeks before halloween sells 20,000 pounds0 o of all things tweet sour and sugary.. >> people want variety.ple a kid doesn't want to go to a house and get the same thinghi over. over.
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in nearly 90 years of selling s candy the cohens has watched wah what's popular change. chang >> when i was a kid i used tose get circus peanuts hard as ard s rock by the end of the night nig itch the product reviewingduct i site influencer surveyedd 40,000 candy eaters in all 50in0 states and found utah prefers nerds maine loves star burst stu florida buys crunch bars, idaho butter fingers fge connecticut chooses reeses andsa new jersey gone goals sour sou patch kids. kid >> i had to favorite candy kit kat. k >> reporter: new york's york' favorite candy is the sweet s tart. >> i think that's the youngere r generation but people our agege going kit kat snickers. snier >> reporter: candy cornepor proved the top choice inte oregon wyoming tennessee texas t and south carolina making itakin the favorite in more states than any other candy why hawaiians may choose 100 grand
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the cohens want people to knowno no matter what kind of chocolate economy candy shipsomh anywhere in the u.s.n u.s. >> her she's. >> cookies and cream. cream. >> sour patches. >> i have to see peach rings. >> twix. t >> snicker bars. snick bar >> not a sweet tart guy. in the east village i'm matt m kink. >> just in case you want toin c yoknow here in d.c. it was twixt maryland almond joy and i a can't remember what virginiahata was. was. >> i don't remember either.'t >> we'll have tooo personally i don't like any of o ike an ose.e.of >> you're not a chocolate fan. >> i think virginia was reesesee peanut butter cups.pean i think that's what it was. >> i like the darkutthat c'shoce but try not to buy it to giveo g out because i'll consume it.umet >> i always say i'm going to give out pencils which i've'v done before and people are a like don't they're going to egg your house. hse >> save your teeth. teeth >> in the height of halloweenhe in the early 90's at myight houu i would go through 17 bags of b candy. through six or seven.
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6:30. >> neighborhood growing up,borh kids aren'tgrow trick-or-treatig they just don't want that much m candy. candy. >> isn't that something.'t t >> really has changed through the years. speaking of changes wehas ch have a lot of them onki tnghe ot schedule for the weekend. the w. >> okay. >> it begins tomorrow is a transition day.on we were warm again today aswarm you saw, w ae hit another recorr at dulles for the fourth day day in a row, 85.. >> nice. >> but it's beginning to cloudn up just a little bit. b and we'll still stay mild m tonight and we believe we'lle'll stay dry.. different story in 24 hours hrs where rain showers should be sud mo making things a little bitittl slow going for your friday evening commute but sun isun going down earlier and earlierar but that's not having ang effect on our temperatures.rare still seeing lots of places in p the upper 70's and a few in fewi the he low 80's. frederick still at 82 degrees, the district is 79, fredericksburg 81, culpeper 81p annapolis coming in att 75 degrees.75 degrees so, while we're 79, the cooler o air is getting closer andan closer and that front will will cross us tomorrow.omor
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here and a up toward fargo we've got temperature in the 40's.ate. here comes the core of thehe cooler it's not the coldest air we've ' seen but it will definitely bee quite an adjustment as we go w g through the day tomorrow.w. so, falling friday frida temperatures and i might even ee add more friday eveningevenin temperatures that are going to be t falling andha there is some rain out there tonight. tonig that's not going to get ino getn here tonight we don't believe be but this yellow box outlinesut where we have a severee thunderstorm watch acrossrstoath pennsylvania and garrett county northern west virginia until that's how warm and unstable unl it has been with temperatureseme topher in the 80's.tophn th but they're very close to closeo where there's much morethere's m instabilities up here.tabihe that's why the thunderstormsndes stay out of our but we will have some clouds around we'll stay warm and and humid. humid. so if you like dining outsideous we've got another night in in which it will be very comfortable to do that.e to dha for the kids tomorrow morning,og friday at the bus stop it willol still be dry. there will be some cloudslouds around.ou after school,nd though, 66 to 7 and the showers will be aroundbe and they'll he remain with ush u through the evening.e eving.
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boundary so the showers out so ead of i it.the still up to at.t least 70 if non warmer as we look at our highs tomorrow.torr but then dropping later in there day after the front getset on through and then the wind thn is also going to be picking picg up. friday morning at 8:00 you canuc see our futurecast has somehas m pretty good showers out towardtr the mountains maybe a spotty shower here and there butan certainly a lot of clouds tomorrow morning for thenly a oi commute. so you don't need to worry toort much about where where yourre y sunglasses are but find thed the rain gear for after schoolchoo because you can see that's acan' pretty good shower and we hope p helpful rain. we're dry and we certainly cerin need to get rid of the allergens and dust in thet in t heir. by saturday morning maybe ag maa few showers lingering. linri notice futurecast trying toing o paint a little snow in theli mountains but ittt does look like as the day goes on wes w clear up nicely and not even noe sure those showers hang aroundwe for saturday. right now that's only model showinw gth that. tha our in-house model.e mod is this for the weekend getfor ready for a breeze to betha bre picking up as those cooler c temperatures come into towninton which means the 50's thatthe 50h we'll have on saturday willl
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we get on into sunday. sda here's the week forecast. 59 degrees on saturday. satda again gusts maybe up to 30 or even 40 miles an hour in some spots. by sunday we're not as gustyus but we're still breezy.ez it's a little bit warmer at 66 degrees and we think sundayna is a very nice dame our big ourb wind maker will come from our o depart storm system thattormth brings in the showers and an a area of high pressure. so we get the old egg beater over d.c..c that's why gusts should be i the 30 to 40 miles an hourur range.rang we start you out friday nightig at 9 o'clock not terrible. terbl gust predicted to be 24 to t 29 miles an hour across theouacs area. by the time we get to saturdayda morning martinsburg with ag wh gust of 38, d.c. near 30, gaithersburg and frederick frerk 34 miles per hour and by hour b saturday evening we're still getting those strong gustytron winds. notice them more out of the west as we follow our aherrm oww and by sunday morning we're still getting some gusts.ts
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getting a gust to 41 miles ant o hour but the rest of us beginning the process of o settling down.ow what about next week? well,ext looks like it will start out out mild. mi we'll jump right back up to baco near 70 degrees on monday.y. but here comes another fronter f that will cross on tuesday, wednesday, bringing it aday, brt little bit more seasonable assea we head on into tuesday andueaya wednesday of next week, so 50's and 60's back with us andh that is how things are lookingoi as we examine our fox5 f accuweather 7-day forecast.he one more day in the he lowr 7- 70's. 70 we get pretty close on mondayy but pretty dramatic drop andc d an your attention to those highhosh temperatures in the 50's andes 60's but we're back to 40's at night, 49 potentially here in the district which means lower r 40's in some of our suburbanubba areas and then slowly buty but surely feeling a lot more like k late october as we work our way through next but a bit dramatic.ramati we were talking about how seems like all of a suddenke a everybody has got a scratchy sch throat or sneezing and
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i think sometimes these big b temperature drops. d
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?? stand by me ?? includes supporting those in our community who need help. our energyshare program does just that, assisting with bill pay and providing free, energy-saving upgrades. it's more than helping customers, it's helping neighbors.
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you are running out of time to visit bao >> no. >> yes, sue and tony.ony. the national zoo it's i three-year-old giant panda is going back to china part of p the zoo's deal with the china wildlife conservation all cubs born at the zoos in bo the united states have toat tunt return to china by time they turn four years old. o. we get to keep visiting baein bae a few more years.eears bae bae was born last year iborn believe. >> uh-huh.
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>> if i were president thatnt would be something i would tryhd top negotiate. we want to study them too. tm let us keep them. if they're born here let theme e stay. >> i agree. at least one of them. >> donald trump or hillaryald clinton in casetr yumou're you listening tony thinks youth should add that to your platform. >> it would get you votes i'mt s telling you right now. [laughter] >> make america's pandasake amec great. >> thanks for joining ushas fo tonight at 6:00. 60 >> 5 at 6:30 is coming up
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>> ?? >> all right, so here we aree e the night after the big debate. question is will he he ordell hr won't he? we're talking ofki o course about donald trump donal election should he lose. los >> a lot of talk about thisbouti one today as well as last night. this is what we're talkingwh about tonight atat 6:30 alonglog with many other things. tweet us what's on your if you're ready to roll. >> get to it. >> i>> will totally accept the results of this great andnd
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[cheers and applause] appuse] >> so you caught that right,caui that was donald trump'sgh wasal response today.response t not a whole lodot different that what he actually said last night.nit >> i'll keep you in >> what he said tonight isig is part of his whole effort tofforo blame somebody else for his campaign. >> a lot of strong words mayberm sometimes insulting exchange exa at the final presidentialial debate which isn't that much muc of a surprise.prise. we didn't hear a specific policies andific pie proposals. we did hear a good number ofmb o those early on in the debate det which was surprising.uring. let's break it downton night.itd >> go ahead. >> here to break it down greg dr speed president of americafmeria votes and janet caldwell senior contributor to red con alert politics.trert potic >> thanks for having me.nk >> let's right off the top whohp do you think won the w debate. t greg let's start with you. >> well, hillary clinton delivered a decisive victorye vy last night. nht and made the case, did talk tal


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